Pastor John Rogers Jr. is a visionary, raised up by God . He is the son/successor of the late Pastor Wayne F. Grayer: Founder of It's a New Season, later named New Season Ministries. Pastor John received his bachelor's degree from Mississippi University for Women in Columbus, Ms. He has traveled to various churches locally spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. His public ministry dates back to 2012 and he now serves as the Senior Pastor of New Season Ministries located in Starkville, Ms. He is gaining momentum as he continues to grow as a spiritual father and leader. Pastor John's ministry is set apart by powerful preaching, simple life applications, fearless operations in the supernatural, and bold delivery that is especially attractive the the younger generation. Many have been radically impacted by his very timely prophetic words. He thrives on seeing lives transformed through the word of God. He is a passionate leader with a Father's heart. He is humbled and honored to now be under the spiritual covering of Apostle RJ Matthews of The Harvest in Houston, Tx. He is also apart of Revive Nation, a fellowship of like-minded leaders who seek to change lives, transform cities, and harvest nations. His greatest accomplishments include serving his wife, who serves alongside him at New Season, and leading/providing for his four amazing children.
Pastor Tykia Rogers is a wife, mother, and visionary. She currently serves s the co-pastor of New Season Ministries in Starkville, MS, where her husband is the Senior Pastor. She loves God and His People. She is committed to her call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing lives transformed for the glory of God. She has always been passionate about discipling, empowering, and teaching women how to demonstrate and dominate in the kingdom. Pastor Tykia is gaining momentum as a passionate leader, entrepreneur, author, mentor, influencer, and more. Her overall goal is to lead the lost to a life-changing encounter with Jesus.